Sunday, November 29, 2015

vincent may?

I love people who a can make me laugh and hate people seeing me cry

I am so unattached from the world its starting to scare my parents

I look up to my best friend more then she will ever know

I love long deep talks with people I care about

I twitch when I sleep, & its really embarrassing 

My biggest pet peeve is when people touch my nose 

I over think everything  

I hate driving but I love long drives

I love pictures but i hate pictures of myself

Ive cried in just about every single movie I've ever watched but I can't help it 

Its been a long couple years but its starting to get better

I love spontaneous trips, but I don't go on enough 

I love my hair but hate everything else about myself

I could watch the sky from sunset to sunrise and not get bored 

The earth just makes pretty things and I'm thankful for it 

I realized I took the class more to read and hear other people's thoughts and poems, not to be a better writer 

Sorry for my depressing posts but, 
thank you for still reading it

Sorry for not commenting on your post even though it hit home and made me cry till i fell asleep but, 
thank you for making me feel things I never knew I could feel from a blog post

Sorry if I'm about to disappoint you for who I actually am 

Thank you, all of you ♡,
Kayla Harley 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

revealing a bit of myself

a song(s) from my childhood: year 3000 & electric feel
a song that reminds me of my most recent ex-boyfriend: your ex-lover is dead
a song that reminds me of my parents: the best day
a song that calms me down: lost boy
a song that is stuck in my head a lot: 2 heads
the song I last heard: jealous
a song that reminds me of my best friend: fame is for assholes
a song that reminds me of my "first love": you're the one i want
a song that makes me laugh: thats how you know 
a song that reminds me of summer: L.A. story
just an adorable song: the girl
a song by my favorite band: big bad world
an artist most people wouldn't think i listen to: grimes; oblivion california
a song(s) that explains my life: stressed out & human
a song that gives me a little bit of hope: first day of my life
a song that makes me cry: cry with you
a song from my favorite tv show: when the stars go blue
a song that I cannot stand listening to: happy
a song that I love to sing along to: wagon wheel
a song that someone has sung to me: my best friend
a song that I love but rarely listen to: the other side
my favorite country song: real life
a song on the soundtrack of my favorite movie: one
favorite song to run to (not sure why): modern jesus
a song that you have danced to with your best friend: roses 
a song i could listen to all day & not get tired of: river flows in you 
my favorite song right now: step 
a song that reminds me of someone I don't like: F U
my favorite song i've heard live: take a walk
my newest song: lost

Sunday, November 15, 2015

i dont mind

i love deep talks. like, hell yeah, tell me about why you don't really like to tell your parents things 

tell me about the playlist you just made & how damn good it is 

tell me about the hard times you've had
tell me about the best times you've had

tell me about your fears, your bucket lists, & your plans for the future

tell me about your friends & your dogs

tell me about the things you think about right before you fall asleep 

Sunday, November 8, 2015


i've forgotten people, days,  places, moments
i've forgotten things that i would do anything to remember

like; the way it used to feel when you would hold my hand 
&  how it felt to wake up at 5am on christmas & have all the energy in the world 

or even the embarrassment I had when I had a phone with no camera but everyone else had a 4th generation iPhone 

& the thoughts i had on wednesday, but not thursday because I wrote them down. 

i don't remember your face when you said it, i just remember that feeling i got 

i've forgotten what it's like to have a 3rd grade crush because since then all i've had is a 5th grade crush

& i want to remember that day forever because i think how i felt that day was that feeling i used to get in my stomach when my 3rd grade crush liked me back 

& can i just say this blog post would be much more creative if i was in 1st grade, but maybe not, i just can't remember

i've forgotten and i just want to remember

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Whatever you do

don't ever tell someone they are fat,
be happy for no reason, like a child,
remember, a year changes you a lot,
remember, we are all broken,
& life is too short to spend it at war with yourself,
if they dont like you, who the hell cares,
cut all the poison out of your life, 
it's going to hurt before it gets better,
fall for him but never chase him,
never point out someone's flaws, 
never run back to what hurt you.